How much is my judgment worth today?

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It depends.  In some unfortunate situations, a judgment is worth, as the saying goes, “only the paper it is printed on”. Sadly, of all the judgments obtained, a significant number remain outstanding and the creditors have never received one cent. Once a creditor obtains a judgment from a court, it is up to the creditor to try to get the debtor to pay. 

The courts do not and cannot help you. 
It is not that the court personnel do not care, it is simply not their job.

The process of trying to get a debtor to pay is known in the industry as enforcement, or judgment enforcement.  Sometimes, although not too often, a debtor will voluntarily pay. In such a case, enforcement is quite easy.  Usually, however, the debtor refuses to pay or cannot even be located.  Even worse for creditors, in some cases the debtor owns no real estate, cars, business - nothing.  This is known as being “judgment proof”.

There is a time limit to collect your judgment.  So time is of essence.

Click here your FREE judgment assessment today!

How much is my judgment worth today?


Normally 50/50 split.   Our office works exclusively on a contingency fee. If we don’t collect we don’t get paid.  If the judgment is recent, the lower the fee.  The longer the judgment sits uncollected the harder it is to find a person thus the higher fee.

We will work with you and negotiate our fee in order to get your business.